Sunday, July 23, 2006

No State Without Water

Humans have lived from the earliest times, before Greece, until today inside collective group enclaves. "A country or part of a country lying wholly within the boundaries of another." In real terms we are a collective of cultures living within the collective boundaries of a greater shared culture. In essence we are the human race. The smallest enclave (a village) lies at the center of ever increasing circles. There is the land surrounding the village, beyond that are agreed upon human territories, there are larger interests identified as 'a nation', and there are whole continents shared by the enclaves of different national and cultural identities. There is the whole earth, and we all share that as a human collective. What is done in one part of the greater body of the earth effects the whole. The planet earth is an enclave within a shared system of orbiting planetary bodies. The sun lies at the center. The earth's solar system is an enclave within a much larger galaxy, to which the sun and planets are intimately connected. The galaxy we are a part of is and enclave within a much larger universe.

From the smallest local farm, to the village, to the local territory, to the state - all parts need water. There is no food without water. It is obvious to state that all life on earth depends on sunlight, including plants and animals. However, sunlight cannot be divided up amongst people and owned by a single party in the way that water resources can. Sunlight is what it is, and it is beyond the control of local and national boundaries. Water, is a much needed and valuable resource that can be controlled by local and/or national enclaves. Water is a territorial resource for those who depend on it for their existence.

All states at every level depend on water for their existence. The state can be defined in terms of 10 people, or 10 thousand people, or 10 million people. Large or small, they all depend on water for their continued survival. Water is food, water is life. If you do not have water you cannot grow food, and you yourself cannot live. There is no state without water, there is no national identity without water. This is a fact. Water flows through all local, state and national boundaries. It is the elixir of life.

You can have any nation in the world making any kind of claim, and they can be the most powerful in terms of military might; but only because they have water. If the most powerful military nation in the world rapidly lost its water supply, all the oil in the universe would not help it to survive. If you sit on top of billions of tons of oil and you have no water, you are dead. If you have enough weapons to destroy the world ten times over and you have no water...

It is the most valuable resource, people cannot live without it, communities cannot exist without it and states are totally dependant on it for their future existence. So, if you have a group of people sitting in the middle of a dried up desert and the water exists all round them, but outside the area they are sitting in the middle of... Then that group will have to secure the distant water supplies if they are to continue. Water is the state. It is only unfortunate that water is unable to transmit its nature to humans, that of a free flowing nature devoid of national and territorial boundaries. The nature of a free mind.

I was born in a water rich country: Scotland. Obviously, if I were part of a group enclave who were discussing where to build a new community, the first thing on my mind would be the water. Where is the water resource, where do we get the water from? otherwise there is no community. If someone said to me that we go a few hundred kilometers North and East for the water, I would say to them: "You are kidding! Right!" If I was part of establishing a new cultural center in the middle of a desert and my advisors told me that our future water supplies lay far to the North in a land inhabited by people who also need that water. Then I would look at my advisor and say: "You are kidding me, right!"

So, what would I do? Plan a future occupation of those lands far to the North in order to ensure my little group in the middle of the desert has water? How many people do I need for this? Thousands? Tens of thousands? How many years of wars? How many thousands of deaths so that my little group can supply itself with water form lands inhabited by other people? Do I have that many soldiers? Do I want that many soldiers? What am I creating? Am I creating a cultural center or a military camp for future wars? I guess I would decide not to go down that road, unless I was insane and then maybe I would not care?
A Journey Through The History of Water