Sunday, February 10, 2008

Source(s) of Corruption

An Italian poet and philosopher of great eminence- Dante whose philosophy was a work of great moral edification did not find in his spiritual testament divinity in animals and other animate life except the human beings. Unlike Aristotle he described man as a “divine animal” where as for the Greek philosopher Aristotle , man was a “social animal.” Vedic rsis and munnies had already found through their transcendental research that man was both a social and divine animal. While his divinity in the form of manifested soul ( Jivatma ) is the cause of individualism, the Jiva in the form of spirit of God, which is also the life principle in the gross body makes the human being as social animal and part of Vasudhaive Kutumbakam - the one global family of the Vedas.

Since spirit is common in all animate and inanimate life/things, we do not find the corrupt practices in the animals, birds, and other animate life except in the human beings, this obviously gives a metaphysical thought and idea that spirit is not the cause of corruption in the human beings. Again, soul being divine also cannot be the cause of corruption as it contains the a-priori knowledge of Vedic metaphysics and permanent principles in the form of commandments and laws of God. Thus the source of corruption in the human body is the outer non divine instruments i.e., five senses, five senses organs and etani - the out ward looking mind. The nine kinds of hydra headed corruption enter through these eleven outer gross instruments of the body. It becomes vehement and extremely uncontrollable with the predominance of tamasic guna of impurity and passivity. Thus, Vedic knowledge can greatly help in the disappearance of this evil in the human beings

If one does not follow the social and moral philosophy contained in the Vedas and other major scriptures of the world and prefers to resort to all kinds of corruption, it highly downgrades such persons by dimming the power of the mind and inner light of the soul. This necessitates bright and dazzling light during day and night, fancy and glamourous clothes, need for a large number of human beings as servants, security guards, sycophants to enhance the false ego and status of their uncontrolled human senses. However, some kind of vacuum remains being cut off from the inner divine world.

The search for true knowledge against material and intellectual knowledge continues, forcing many of them to go to gurus, god men, swamis, tantriks and others. This leads to vicious circle. These spiritual leaders utilise spiritual knowledge as a function of money and matter based on strictly principles of Keynes economics and give religious, spiritual, social and ethical knowledge more to suit the need of their wealthy followers in exchange of unaccounted hefty donations.

In spite of wide spread corruption in the country, they hardly guide human beings to follow the Vedic path of moderation, need based living, consider Prakrti as their supreme Mother and Vedic Idd Nan Mmam - nothing for self all for society. Some of the gurus and babas freely resort to magic, class distinction by creating air conditioned rest houses for the rich and those who give hefty donations and very low class accommodation for the poorer and honest section of their followers. Owing to their ignorance many other Vedic metaphysical concepts like Maya- the cosmic illusion or phantasmagoria, divine four Varnas based on merit, ability, aptitude and capacity and not on birth, the social institutions of Sabha and Vidhata, Rta, Dharma, Satya etc., are never explained to their followers.

After each spiritual assembly/ session, they mention in a very guarded language to the followers and other visitors the need for liberal donations in a secret manner as gupta daan so that official receipts could be avoided. Most of them propagate vegetarian food and even avoid the food which comes from the roots like onions, garlic, ginger and a few of them even carrot, radish etc., for attainment of spiritual knowledge. It is further stretched to colour of clothes like only white for one cult, saffron for an other and many other varieties.

Thus it is apparent that corruption does not come out of the blue. It is a product of the loopholes created by human beings in their systems and procedures coupled with greed, dreaded materialism, false ego and pride of the senses and sense organs. The distorted spiritual knowledge, mythology, concocted stories of gods and goddesses, religious fairy tales and ostentatious worship of gods and even some of the present day gurus further help in spreading it like wild fire. The resultant effect is that many public service departments have become self-serving departments. The concept of spiritual brotherhood mentioned in Vedas has virtually disappeared amongst the corrupt persons. Most of them even refuse to know that some individuals and children facing acute starvation and below poverty line in south India were found searching for food in the rat holes in the open fields. Also those searching for food in the garbage dumps behind hotels and other eating-places along with birds, animals and insects, has become a common sight in India.

Now there is no easy way to expel this incubus of corruption from the society through government laws, intellectual and material education that is producing intellectual and industrial giants but moral infants, and other fire fighting material solutions. The solution perhaps lies in getting increasingly spiritual doctors who are truthful, transparent and qualified to treat the diseases of the state and society. Such doctors should have the courage to refuse donations of black money, temptation of creating assets worth billions of rupees in India and abroad, and free from the hidden desire of large-scale publicity and other material weaknesses.

Corruption moves from individuals to society and takes the form of cancerous disease in the pathology of the state. It is futile that government laws and their strict enforcement through the corrupt machinery of government enforcement agencies and the vicious influence of defacto government of industrialists,mafia, and those running non divine and non transparent professions can eradicate this evil. In fact, most of them gain in the perpetuation of this evil. To gain time and appease the occasionally highly upset Indian voters and those fence sitters for or against corruption, the governments of the states and centre appointed a large number of committees and commissions to enquire the causes for the spread of this evil and its effect in the social and political institutions.

In addition, these committees were directed to recommend solutions to eradicate this evil. This aimless and time consuming uneconomical exercise is going on for the last five decades since independence and almost all the reports are gathering dust and are becoming even cause of spread of tuberculosis to those employees who periodically remove dust over the reports and inhale the air thus corrupted around this dust.
Hydra Headed Corruption