Wednesday, June 22, 2005

The Golden Chainsaw

You may wonder what finding what you love and sticking to it has to do with Socrates and the cave?

Socrates was one of the few teachers who did not charge money for his teachings. His opponents and critics made a good killing charging their students to study with them. Later they also killed Socrates!

"Socrates married Xanthippe. She is said to have resented the fact that he charged no fees for his teaching."

"Socrates devoted most of his adult life to the development of a philosophy and to teaching those followers who attached themselves to his dialogue discussion groups. Socrates was distinctive for:

* Devotion to Ethics an attitude which influenced all later Greek philosophers.
* Development of the Inductive Method of reasoning.
* Linking Knowledge to Happiness. He believed that knowledge, or insight, was the foundation of virtue and happiness.
* Rationalism. Socrates believed that man was capable of arriving at truth through the use of reason."

A great part of the social and economic problems facing society today arise directly from our own individual actions and choices. What is society other than the sum of its parts? Most people have given up love for "security", and in doing so have created insecurity. By losing personal ethics and mindlessly following the outer authority of the corporate, political and religious autocracies, we have given away the one thing that makes us human. Our freedom.

I know exactly what Steve Jobs is talking about, because I have stood in front of countless obstructions and I have faced them down alone. I have faced working situations where managers and organisers have ordered me to destroy my own values of honesty, integrity and honour ... and I have refused.

Unfortunately the vast majority of our society go along with the moral destruction of our basic values, just to get a wage. Not seeing that the loss is effecting our abilty to live, be happy and love. Later down the line the exploited become exploiter as the sickness spreads.

The Northern continents are the richest in the world, and yet people are living in misery. Money does not make people happy, but doing what you love does. Instead humans have become slaves to the system and all creativity is buried under a pile of ...

Why does this matter?

Because we are creative entities. That is the power we are born with and when that creativity dies we die with it. Lumbering around as human zombies carrying a pot of gold is not why we are here on this earth.

Greenpeace Gives Golden Chainsaw to Brazil Tycoon

The Celts survived in Scotland, Ireland and Wales over hundreds of years, and yet this modern culture of slaves has destroyed these countries in the span of 50 years. But slaves to what? To their own weakness? You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink.

Unfortunately we drink the poison willingly; but if we truly loved life I doubt that this would be the case. The overall loss of collective integrity has damaged society to the extent that society has become a danger to us. But this is what happens when you pollute the waters you drink from.

It will probably take an asteroid landing in the ocean to waken people to the truth, when things are no longer easy and one has to cooperate to survive. The present climate of take what you can get will not survive a real disaster. But then again, maybe that is what disasters are here to teach. Asteroid Socrates!