Neither Hitler, Napoleon, nor the Romans conquered Russia, and the Western Empire is not going to conquer Russia either. The Roman Empire was eventually split into the Eastern Empire and the Western Empire. The new capital was Constantinople because the East was richer than the West. This might sound familiar to some people.
Russia, the 'Stans' and the Middle East hold vast reserves of Gas and Oil. Those vast reserves translate into riches. The old-world-order struggle to control wealth through military violence. If you look back through history this approach has not translated into a lasting solution.
Here we are in 2007, heading into 2012, 2013, 2014... and control through force has still not figured out that the invasion of military might provides no solution, and that historically the Western powers will not control Russia. This has nothing to do with 'Communism', which did not exist at the time of Napoleon and the time of the Roman Empire.
"The future belongs to him who knows how to wait."
It seems that the Western mind is unable to underststand the Russian, the Chinese and the Eastern mind. This lack of understanding will lead to their downfall. The West will not conquer China, they will not conquer Russia and they will not conquer the Middle East. Perhaps much later down the road people will appear who realise this fact?
The only difference between the decline of the Roman Empire and the struggles of today's world, is that the dying and defeated entity of the old Empire can contaminate the entire world with atomic radiation before it dies (loses virility). Obviously, an irradiated world is also a defeat for the forces seeking to control resources. Which raises the question: Are there people in control of atomic weapons who would destroy the entire world rather than admit that they are in decline?
In that respect I sense the Russian proverb above, little understood by the West, will conquer the world through knowing when to wait and knowing when to act. But the defeat will not be a military defeat, it will be a spiritual and evolutionary defeat. After which the people of the Western world will rely on the Eastern mind to retain their sanity.
Russia, the 'Stans' and the Middle East hold vast reserves of Gas and Oil. Those vast reserves translate into riches. The old-world-order struggle to control wealth through military violence. If you look back through history this approach has not translated into a lasting solution.
Here we are in 2007, heading into 2012, 2013, 2014... and control through force has still not figured out that the invasion of military might provides no solution, and that historically the Western powers will not control Russia. This has nothing to do with 'Communism', which did not exist at the time of Napoleon and the time of the Roman Empire.
"The future belongs to him who knows how to wait."
It seems that the Western mind is unable to underststand the Russian, the Chinese and the Eastern mind. This lack of understanding will lead to their downfall. The West will not conquer China, they will not conquer Russia and they will not conquer the Middle East. Perhaps much later down the road people will appear who realise this fact?
The only difference between the decline of the Roman Empire and the struggles of today's world, is that the dying and defeated entity of the old Empire can contaminate the entire world with atomic radiation before it dies (loses virility). Obviously, an irradiated world is also a defeat for the forces seeking to control resources. Which raises the question: Are there people in control of atomic weapons who would destroy the entire world rather than admit that they are in decline?
In that respect I sense the Russian proverb above, little understood by the West, will conquer the world through knowing when to wait and knowing when to act. But the defeat will not be a military defeat, it will be a spiritual and evolutionary defeat. After which the people of the Western world will rely on the Eastern mind to retain their sanity.